- IPGSR = Institute of Post-Graduate Studies and Research - Centre for Management Studies - Application form for Admission to MBA Programme of JNTU in collaboration with Central Michigan University - School of Information Technology (SIT) - M.C.A. - M.Tech., - Computer Science - M.Tech., - Software Engineering - M.Sc., (IT) - M.S.I.T. - Centre for Environment - Centre at a Glance - Faculty Sanctioned by U.G.C. - Existing Faculty - Facilities Available - Advanced Instrumentation Facilities - Course Structure of various Academic Programmes - M.Tech. Environmental Management - Ecology & Environmental Chemistry - Computational Methods - Water and Wastewater Management - Air Pollution Control Management - Remote Sensing and GIS - Water & Air Pollution Monitoring Methods - Computer Programming Lab - Remote Sensing and GIS for Natural Resource Management - Industrial Pollution Control - Energy Resources & Environment Impact Assessment - Environmental Microbiology & Biotechnology - Solid & Hazardous Waste Management - Water, Wastewater and Solid Microbiology - Environmental Remote Sensing and GIS lab. - M.Sc. (Environment Science & Technology) - Environmental Microbiology Including Ecology - Air and Water Pollution Monitoring - Air Pollution and Control Technologies - Remote Sensing and GIS for Environmental Management - Primary Water Treatment Processes Environmental Sanitation, Health and Legal Aspects - Environment Biotechnology - Environmental Biotechnology - Industrial wastes, soil/solid waste characterization - Natural Resource Management - Waste Water treatment Technologies - Hazardous Waste Management - Energy Resources Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit - Wastewater Treatment Methods - GIS Lab - ELECTIVE - Designing of Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems - Bioremediation - M.Sc. (Industrial Chemistry) - Organic Chemistry-I - Inorganic Chemistry-I - Physical Chemistry-I - Analytical Chemistry & Quality Assurance - Numerical Methods and Computer Applications - Practical I (Inorganic Chemistry) - Practical II (Physical Chemistry) - Organic Chemistry-II - Instrumental Methods of Analysis - Physical Chemistry-II - Principles Of Chemical Engg - Molecular Spectroscopy - Practical-I (Physical Chemistry) - Practical-II (Organic Chemistry) - Industrial Organic Chemistry-III - Industrial Catalysis - Industrial Bio-Process Technology - Industrial Waste Treatment - Drugs and Pharmaceuticals - Practical-V (Organic Chemistry) - Practical-VI (Pharmaceutical Technologies) - ELECTIVE - Centre for Energy Studies - Centre for Transportation Engineering - Applied Statistics - Traffic Engineering - Urban Transportation Planning - Pavement Analysis and Design - Highway Infrastructure Design - Remote Sensing and GPS - Traffic Analysis - Highway Project Formulation & Economics - Transportation System & Management - Pavement Construction, Maintenance and Management - GIS Applications in Transportation Engineering - Centre for Bio-Technology - Microbial Engineering - Molecular Biology & Virology - General and Industrial Microbiology - Biochemistry and Metabolic Regulation - Process Engineering Principles - Immunology - Fundamentals of Computers and Programming in "C" - Enzyme Engineering - Techniques in Microbiology and Biochemistry - Microbial Engineering (Bioreactors) - Recombinant DNA Technology - Downstream Processing - Environmental Biotechnology - Immunotechnology - Plant Tissue Culture - Biochemical and Biophysical Techniques - Bioprocess and r-DNA Technology - Centre for Water Resources - Centre for Spatial Information Technology - COURSE STRUCTURE FOR THREE SEMESTER - Principles of Photogrammetry - Global Positioning Systems - Fundamentals of Earth Sciences - Satellite Hydrology and Oceanography - Artificial intelligence and Neural Networks - Data base Management Systems - Soil Survey and land degradation - Advanced Photogrammetry - University Library - SCDE = School for Continuing and Distance Education - M.B.A. ( 6 Semesters ) - M.Tech., Applied Chemistry - M.Tech., CAD/CAM - M.Tech., Digital Systems and Computer Systems and Computer Electronics ) - M.Tech., Electrical Power Systems - M.Tech., Environmental Science - M.Tech., GeoTechnical Engineering - M.Tech., Production Engineering - M.Tech., Structural Engineering - M.Tech., Water Resource Engineering - M.Tech., Thermal Engineering - M.Tech., Computer Science - M.Tech., Industrial Engineering & Management - JNTU CFA = JNTU College of Fine Arts, Hyderabad - JNTU College of Fine Arts - Teachers List - JNTU SPA = JNTU School of Planning and Architecture, Hyderabad - JNTU School of Planning and Architecture - Teachers List - Architecture, ACADEMIC REGULATIONS - Revised B. Arch. Course Structure ( Unit system - Effective 1996-97 ) - BICARD = Bureau of Industrial Consultancy and Research & Development - OTRI = Oil Technological Research Institute